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Sandpoint Affordable Football League

Sandpoint Affordable Football League

Cheer Rules

General Tumbling

  • All tumbling must originate from and land on the performing surface.

      Clarification: A tumbler may rebound from his/her feet into a stunt transition. If the rebound from the tumbling pass involves hip-over-head rotation, then the tumber/top person must be caught and stopped in a non-inverted position before continuing into a hip-over head transition or stunt.

     Example: Round off handspring and then a bump or contact from a base or bracer straight into a backflip would break this rule for levels 1-5. A clear separation from the tumbling to the stunt is needed to make this legal. this would be true if coming from just a standing back handspring without a round off.

     Exception: Rebounding to a prone position (½ twist to stomach) in a stunt is allowed in Level 1.


  • Tumbling over, under, or through a stunt , individual, or prop, is not allowed.

      Clarification: An individual may jump (rebound) over another individual


  • Tumbling which holding or in contact with any prop is not allowed.

  • Dive rolls are not allowed.

  • Jumps are not considered a tumbling skill from a legalities point of view. Therefore, if a jump skill is included in a tumbling pass, the jump will break up the pass.

Standing / Running Tumbling

  • Skills must involve constant physical contact with the performing surface.

          Exception: Block cartwheels and roundoffs are allowed.

  • Forward and backward rolls, front and back walkovers, and handstands are allowed.

  • Cartwheels and round-offs are allowed.

  • No tumbling is allowed in immediate combination after a round off. If tumbling does occur after a round off a clear and distinct pause must immediately follow a round off or round off rebound.

  • Front and back handsprings are not allowed.


  • A spotter is required for each top person at the prep level and above.

Example: Suspended splits, flat-bodied positions and preps are examples of prep level stunts. Extended arm stunts that are not in the upright position (such as extended v-sits, extended flat backs, etc…) are considered prep level stunts.

Clarification: The center base in an extended v-sit may be considered a spotter as long ass they are in a position to protect the head and shoulders of the top person. 

Clarification 2: If the primary bases squat, go to their knees or drop the overall height of the stunt while extending their arms (excluding floor stunts), this skill would be considered extended and therefore illegal, regardless of the back spot’s positioning. 

Exception: Shoulder sits/straddles & T-Lifts and stunts with up to a ½ twist transition where the top person starts and ends on the performance surface and is only supported at the waist, do not require a spotter.


  • Single leg stunts are only allowed at waist level.

Exception 1: Prep level single leg stunts are allowed if the top person is connected to someone standing on the performance surface, which must be a separate person other than the base(s) or spotter. The connection must be hand/arm to hand/arm and must be made prior to initiating the single leg prep level stunt.

Exception 2: A walk up shoulder stand is legal in level 1 if both hands of top person are in contact with both bards of the base until both feet of the top person are placed on the shoulders of the base.


  • Twisting stunts and transitions are allowed up to a ¼ twisting rotation by the top person in relation to the performing surface.

Clarification: Twist performed with an additional turn by the bases performed in the same skill set, would be illegal if the resulting cumulative rotation of the top person exceeds ¼ rotations. The safety judge will use the hips of the top person to determine the amount of total rotation a top person performs in a skill set. Once a stunt is hit and the athletes show a definite and clear stop with a stationary top person, the they may continue to walk the stunt in additional rotation.

Exception 1: Rebounding to a prone position (½ twist to stomach) in a stunt is allowed in Level 1.

Exception 2: ½ Wrap around stunts are legal in Level 1.

Exception 3: Up to ½ twist is allowed if the top person starts and ends on the performance surface and is only supported at the waist and does not require an additional spotter.


  • During transitions, at least one base must remain in contact in the top person.

Exception: Leap frogs and leap frog variations are not allowed in Level 1.


  • Free flipping or assisted flipping stunts and transitions are not allowed.

  • No stunt, pyramid, or individual may move over or under another separate stunt, pyramid or individual.

Clarification: This pertains to an athlete’s torso moving over or under the torso of another athlete; not the arms or legs.

Clarification: A top person may not pass over or under the torso of another top person regardless if the stunt or pyramid is separate or not.

  • Single based split catches are not allowed.

  • Single based stunts with multiple top persons are not allowed

  • Level 1 Stunts-Release Moves

    • Release moves are not allowed other than those allowed at Level 1 “Dismounts”.

    • Release moves may not land in a prone or inverted position.

    • Release moves must return to original base. Clarification: An individual may not land on the performing surface without assistance.

    • Helicopters are not allowed.

    • A single full twisting log/barrel roll is not allowed.

    • Release moves may not intentionally travel.

    • Release moves may not pass over, under or through other stunts, pyramids, or individuals.

  • Cheer Rules and Regulations
    A. Cheerleaders should wear appropriate clothing and shoes to practice in. Fitted tight clothing; leotard is perfect for tumbling and highly recommended for practice attire. Cheer shoes are not to be worn outside; unless for an outdoor event. of practice or games.
    B. Hair must be worn in a manner that is appropriate for the activity involved. Hair devices and accessories must be secure. In general, hair should be pulled back away from the face and secured. For longer hair in a low pony braid is perfect for tumbling.
    C. Absolutely no jewelry. This includes necklaces, rings, earrings, and any other piercings. Coaches will not be responsible for jewelry handed to them or left at practice or games. All piercings not taken out must be taped for safety.
    D. Nails must be properly cut. No fake nails of any kind. No colored nail polish for events.
    E. No cell phones allowed during practices. All cell phones must be left in a personal bag or
    designated basket and silenced at practice and games.
    F. Event attire will be TBD for specific events and will be required.
    G. No gum, candy or food during practices or performances.
    H. Athletes can not miss practice’s the week of performance or miss extensive practices and
    expect to perform at an event. Exceptions for athletes confident in knowing the routine may
    perform for the coachs to determine if the athlete can perform with the team.
    I. Follow all direct governing association rules regarding age levels, concussion management, heat illness, etc.
    J. All skills legal for sideline cheering can be performed on artificial/live grass, rubberized track, indoor basketball court or a matted surface.
    K. No skills are allowed on asphalt, concrete or any other similar surface.
    L. Uniforms must be appropriate for youth rec cheerleading. When standing at attention, apparel
    must cover the midriff.
    M. Supports, braces, soft casts, etc., that are unaltered from the manufacturer's original
    design/production do not require any additional padding.
    N. Supports/braces that have been altered from the manufacturer's original design/production
    must be padded with a closed‐ cell, slow‐recovery foam padding no less than one‐half‐inch
    thick if the participant is involved in partner stunts, pyramids or tosses.
    O. A participant wearing a plaster cast or a walking boot must not be involved in partner stunts,
    pyramids, tosses, jumps or tumbling.
    P. Useofmini‐tramps,springboards,spring‐assistedfloorsoranyheight‐increasingapparatusis
    not permitted for use at any time other than practices under the direct supervision of someone
    trained in their use.
    Q. The only props allowed to be used are megaphones, poms, signs and flags.
    R. The only props allowed to be used while in stunts or pyramids are poms or signs in use by the
    top person only. A top can hand a sign to a base or spotter with the intent of immediately
    releasing it to the ground as long as the top is not extended.
    S. Participants must not stunt or tumble when the ball is in play.
    As a member of the SAFL Cheerleading program, I understand the importance of promoting the positive attributes that cheerleading has for those who participate. I recognize that I am here to foster fun, create a healthy and safe sport environment for all members. As a coach I will emphasize that good athletes are good students and both are physically and mentally alert. Iaccepttheresponsibilitytoworkwithothercoachesandprofessionalsinvolvedinthe sport. Being a SAFL coach I have the obligation to build the confidence of the participants and teach the fundamentals of Cheer. I will treat all participants fairly and equitably, by refraining from discriminating against any athlete on the bases of race, color, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation. I have a responsibility to respect and promote the rights of all participants. I will also maintain the SAFL coach code of conduct and ethics stated in Article 10:3.


    I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child participating in SAFL by following this Parent / Guardian Code of Conduct:
    Role of Athlete: We expect the following from ALL athletes as members of SAFL. These expectations will be strictly enforced during practices, clinics, and events. Athletes are expected to:
    A. Cheer for FUN!
    B. Be gracious when you win and graceful when you lose.
    C. Treat fellow teammates, coaches, and staff with respect.
    D. Accept decisions made by those in authority.
    E. Develop a spirit that allows you to take corrections as compliment.
    F. Not participate in gossip. This includes internal gossip about SAFL athletes. Problems will be
    addressed and resolved directly.
    G. Show good sportsmanship and class at ALL times.
    H. All chanting and cheering should be appropriate to the game situation. All cheerleaders should
    observe the plays of the game.
    I. During games, always remember that you are there to boost the spirit of the team and the fans
    and to support them.
    J. Your purpose as a cheerleader is to get the crowd into the game by leading cheers.
    **Note: Cheerleading is a high profile activity. The city name, mascot, and colors emblazoned across uniforms serves as a beacon to draw attention to your actions. Cheerleaders are viewed as a reflection of the city of Sandpoint on and off the field and in or out of uniform. Because of the visibility of all squad members, it is important that cheerleaders place themselves in high esteem and always act accordingly. They must be role models for all peers.
    Role of the Parent:
    A. Parents agree to provide support, care and encouragement of children while participating in the Cheer Program.
    B. We encourage all parents to cheer along with squads and encourage and support all athletes at sporting events. If negative attitudes persist and disrupt the actions and conduct of the team and coaches, parents will be asked to leave.
    C. Respecting practice time is time for the team to bond and grow in skills with minimal distractions.
    D. Not to express their opinions during practice or coach their athlete from the sideline.
    E. Transportation to and from the school for practices, home games, etc. is the responsibility of
    each cheerleader and their family.
    F. Notifying a coach if your child is going to be absent from a practice or late.
     G. Informing coaches of any allergies, asthma, disabilities and/or any thing that they need to be aware of for your child's health and safety for them to have the best experience possible during the SAFL season.
    **Note; If a parent would like to meet with a coach in regards to cheerleading skills, performance, policies and procedures, or squad conflicts please contact the coach to request a meeting. It is important to not approach the coach at practices or events since our attention needs to be on our athletes at all times. Please make the coach aware of the purpose of the conversation. The coach has the option to invite other coaches and SAFL board members to the meeting to ensure a positive outcome.
***These rules are subject to change at any time by a 2/3 majority executive board vote***


Sandpoint Affordable Football League
601 N Lincoln Ave 
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

Email: [email protected]

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